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Fisheries & Ocean Policy

Promoting Healthy Oceans & Fisheries

My office offers consultations, legal research and policy analysis services to individuals, businesses, NGOs, Think Tanks and academic institutions on a broad range of legal topics concerning the laws and regulations that govern Aquaculture, Marine Fisheries, Coastal Spatial Planning and Ocean Usage.


My services help clients to identify and understand the complex nature of competing, and often conflicting, activities in the marine environment. My research goals take me to where the facts reside and are geared toward finding ways of reducing conflicts among competing uses while promoting sustainable, compatible activities that further healthy coastal community economics.


Selected Publications and Presentations


HabCam Operator

Georges Bank Sea Scallop Stock Assessment Survey Group. At-Sea scallop research project in closed areas to Hague Line June 2015. A Woods Hole Oceanographic tech sled towed on fiber optic cable

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Community Based Aquaculture Development 

A grant submission to NOAA’s Saltonstall-Kennedy RFP. Prepared in conjunction with the City of Gloucester and Salem Sate University’s Cat Cove Northeast Aquaculture Center.



Vermont School of Law

Guest Lecturer on Aquaculture.



Southeast Aquaculture Assessment

A study of Aquaculture law and regulation in the Southeastern United States. Prepared for The Ocean Conservancy.



Northeast Aquaculture Assessment

A study of Aquaculture law and regulation in the Northeastern United States. Prepared for The Ocean Conservancy.



Vermont School of Law

Guest Lecturer on Aquaculture.



Hoagland, P., Jin, D., Kite-Powell, H., Riaf, K. Improving the Regulatory Framework for Marine Aquaculture, Regional Planning and Economic Decision-making.

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Marine Policy Center

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Hoagland, P., Jin, D., Jarvin, D., Riaf, K. (NMFS SK) Aquaculture Regulation: Economic and Legal Models for the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. 

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Sea Scallop Working Group

Aquaculture Blueprint Policy Recommendations Proceedings 2nd SSWG Summit



Sea Scallop Working Group Summit Conference

Presenter UMass Policy Center for Marine Biosciences and Technology.



Goudey, C., Smolowitz, R., Riaf, K. et al.

Sea Scallop Enhancement and Sustainable Harvesting 

(SeaStead) MIT SeaGrant



Mook, B., Riaf, K., Taylor, R.

Fisherman Friendly Production Strategies for Sea Scallops.




Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Aquaculture Conference.

Presenter, Riaf, K. - Massachusetts Pioneers and Their Obstacles.



Wypyzinsky, A., Riaf, K., et. al.  

NRAC: Rutgers University SeaGrant Improving the Legal Framework for Aquaculture in the U.S.

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